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Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Completed Pieces

Today, a sunny morning so not the greatest time to paint in my studio, although its not too bright very early on, so i was up extremely early and in my studio at 8.30am. I meditate every morning, especially when I am painting that day as I find it helps me to focus really well. Focus is the key word to getting work done, as an artist, especially an abstract artist you need to be feeling just in the right mood to paint from your feelings about your chosen subject. I go through a little ritual of making myself a coffee, getting my brushes ready, mixing my paint, choosing my music, if it feels right. I sometimes have music playing as it helps to get the energy going, however, today I decided to paint in silence - my studio is in my garden so when I say quiet, that's rather dependent on next doors cat meowing at my studio door or the neighbourhood birds having their morning conversations. I love it really, i am very lucky in that I am surrounded by nature. That is very important to me that I have this environment in which to work, of course I get inspiration from nature and my garden is a great source for some of my paintings.

I completed a piece that I'd underpainted yesterday, my inspiration came from the wind in the air and how it made the the flowers in the garden sway and dance, particularly the petunias in the pots and baskets.. I have tried to capture a feeling of movement within the painting, a subtle breeze on various summer colours. I have called it 'Breeze', simple yet descriptive enough to capture a mood. It's a 36 x 16" oil on canvas. The naming of a painting is very important to me, as in a way, my paintings are my 'children', I put so much of myself into my work as I am completely passionate about art, that to name my paintings is a major part of the art process for me.

Touch of Green
This is the second piece that I started yesterday. I am really pleased with it. I wanted a piece that was fresh, clean and crisp, vibrant and stunning and I wanted to work with greens. Its a 24 x 24" oil on canvas and will be exhibited at Highcliffe for my solo exhibition. I have called it 'A Touch of Green'.


Anonymous said...

"A touch of green" is a very good choice of the name :) i love it, especially the way the colour curves and blends. Its very relaxing to look at. I can't wait to see the rest!!! Also your blog gives a very good insight into your inspiration of the paintings.

Hayley xx

sunsetpaintings said...

Hi jean you have made me feel very lazy I have had a blog on here for alost a year and I am useless at keeping it updated well done love Aqua.

sunsetpaintings said...

Great Blog love Aqua