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Monday, 18 June 2007

Contemporary Abstract Art

Contemporary Abstract Art

As a professional Artist I am passionate about contemporary abstract art and how I can use it to express myself. I also have a passion for nature so in my abstract art paintings I combine the two. I believe that abstract art is the art of the future as it conveys a message to the observer.

In my experience, and I hear this from my customers all the time, people are drawn to the vibrant colours and shapes. An abstract art painting needs to resonate with the observer for that person to want to have it displayed in their home. The painting needs to ‘ring a chord’ deep within, to hold that ‘special something’, that ‘je ne sais quoi’. Abstract art can be a mystery, as people don’t know why they are drawn to a piece, it just IS right for them.

Colour and shape play an important part in the overall design of the abstract piece. Some people say that abstract art is ‘easy art’ or they say ‘a child could do that !’, playing down the greatness of the abstract work. However, most abstract art is inspired work that is channeled through the artist in one way or another, so abstract art has a unique quality of being a very personal art making it unique in its concept. Abstract artists work with their emotions and their sense of feeling for a particular subject, whether it be seascapes, landscapes, sunsets or flowers. The way in which I work is that I tune into nature and feel inspired by its colours and shapes, then I feel a sense of deep calm and peace and am then able to paint in a very focused state, resulting in a unique piece of artwork. That is the beauty of abstract art, you never find 2 pieces the same!!
If anyone has a piece of abstract artwork in their home they will know that every time they look at that piece of art it changes their mood, a connection is made. And that is the crux of contemporary abstract art; it conveys a message. It can be a great healing tool whereby it can calm the emotions, spark desire or creativity, provoke a happy memory, enable the observer to daydream or just the fact of the colour vibration and the effect that can have on the observer. Abstract art is great, it can enrich our lives and enhance our environments whether it be the office or the contemporary modern home.

"Jean Dayton is an Internationally selling British artist specialising in Abstract art. Her site contains a complete portfolio of affordable art ranging from stunning seascapes, vivid landscapes, sunsets and unique abstracts all to buy online. Contemporary Abstract Art at affordable prices."

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