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Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Full Steam Ahead

Into the Sun

I can't believe its Thursday again tomorrow.... time does fly at the moment, its probably because I am working like a trojan trying to get everything finalised for my exhibition.. its all exhibition exhibition exhibition at the mo.... Anyway, inbetween times I have managed to complete a further 2 paintings today, the first is called 'Into the Sun' and will be part of the exhibition and I have posted a pic of it here.

My inspiration for this pic is the warmth of the sun and the glow it has on its surroundings. I love this image as it is tranquil yet strong and powerful.
It is painted on a 30 x 30" canvas so quite stunning in the flesh.


The second painting that I finished today is rather more abstract than 'Into the Sun'. I have called it 'Light' - I chose the name beforehand so I had an idea as to the effect I wanted to produce; light reflections forming dark and light areas of colour, I have chosen greens and blues again, similar colours to that of 'Aqua' - I really enjoyed painting this piece to music today, it was some chill out music with a hint of eastern rythym to it so the drums kind of helped the painting flow along. It really does make a difference to my mood when I play music whilst painting; I usually go by my intuition as to whether I need it or not.

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