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Monday, 25 June 2007

Monday again!!

Its monday again.... time is just flying by at the moment. Only a week to go before I put my paintings up at Highcliffe Castle. Just finalising everything this week, checking I have all the paintings strung, leaflets sorted etc.

Today the weather is rather putting me off painting anything, I have fully intended on doing so, however it has rained relentlessy over the weekend and looks like its set to continue. So instead I am writing my blog and yesterday I spent the day (on and off) sorting out a video to promote my work on Youtube which you can see by clicking on the link:-

Yet another learning curve. I think I must spend about 65% of my art career painting and 35% promoting myself - on and offline.

Well I think I will go and sit in my studio for a while and see if I can muster up some inspiration to paint.

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